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Update your hardware for under $20

Update Your Hardware For Under $20!

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Many times, I have bought a great piece of furniture only to find that the hardware was less than stellar! When it comes to updating a piece of furniture, you want the hardware to be updated as well. Remember in the 80’s when yucky cheap looking brass was used for handles and pulls on what seems to be every piece of furniture? Popular then, not so much today!

I am going to share with you some easy peasy ways to update your original hardware for under $10-20 without having to go buy new and expensive knobs and pulls!

When it comes to updating your hardware, you want something pretty and easy! You don’t want to be chunking old hardware that could be a cost savings for you and on the plus side puttying and drilling new holes for hardware. I get that in some cases that may be necessary but 9 times out of 10 you can get away with these simple hacks!

  1. Clean your hardware to try and restore it

So many times, I have seen dingy hardware that had years of built up dirt, dust and grime only to find out after a good cleaning they were perfect. Trust me, you will be tempted to just throw it away but don’t! I like to fill my kitchen sink up with a mixture of 50/50 white vinegar and water. Place your hardware in the sink and let soak for 1-2 hours or a little longer depending on how grimy your hardware is. Once finished, scrub well with a soapy detergent like Dawn dishwashing liquid and use an old toothbrush to get in all the little crevices. Rinse and place on a paper towel to air dry. You can also use Barkeeper’s friend to scrub your hardware also, it works wonders!

2. Spray Paint

I am currently working on a dresser that has the yucky brass hardware. The handles are well-loved and have many scratches. So, I decided to spray paint them! The tip to spray painting your hardware is to make sure after you have cleaned them well to lightly scuff the surface with sandpaper. I do this before I spray paint any hardware to make sure the paint has something to bind to, especially if your hardware is slick. I love to use Rustoleum Universal All-Purpose Spray Paint in oil rubbed bronze.

It also comes in several color choices which are all beautiful! Depending on the finish you are going for with your piece, you have several options to choose from if you want a matte finish or a satin finish.

I also like to use Rustoleum Painter’s Touch Multi-Purpose Spray Paint in black.

There are so many color choices with this one, the possibilities are endless! See why I LOVE this option?!!!

Make sure to apply a top coat if you choose this option. I like to use the Rustoleum Painter’s Touch Multi-Purpose Matte Clear Spray to top coat my hardware!

3. Dixie Belle Gilding Wax

I also love to use Dixie Belle’s Gilding Wax. It comes in a variety of beautiful colors! It is available in warm gold, hammered copper, sterling silver, black, bronze, Anastasia (red), green patina and turquoise teal. You will be amazed at how easy it is to use! Simply apply to your hardware with your finger, cloth or a small brush! Leave on your hardware for 30-60 minutes and then lightly buff! That’s it! So simple!

I used the bronze gilding wax to finish off this beautiful hutch and I couldn’t be more pleased!

You guys, updating your hardware is so EASY! It sure beats paying $40-$60 to replace it! You can also do this with kitchen or bathroom hardware which can get very costly depending on how many cabinets you have!

I love being able to share my tips with you all! Until next time, Happy Painting!

Love and Hugs,
